


在休斯顿拥有300英亩绿树成荫的校园, bwin时时彩平台被美国大学排名全国前20名.S. 新闻 & 世界报道. bwin时时彩平台的本科生与教师的比例是6:1, 还有住宿学院制度, 在智力上支持学生, 情感上和文化上通过社会活动, 校内的运动, 学生扮演, 讲座系列, 课程及学生会. 发展紧密的, 多元化的大学社区是一个强大的校园传统, which is why Rice is highly ranked for best quality of life and best value among private universities.



威廉M号. bwin时时彩文学促进研究所, 5月19日,《bwin时时彩平台》在德克萨斯州首府提交了州宪章, 1891. The original charter stipulated that the institute charge no tuition and would be for “the instruction and improvement of the white inhabitants of the City of Houston and State of Texas.该研究所是用一笔4美元的遗赠成立的.从威廉·马什·bwin时时彩的遗产中获得了600万美元, a merchant who arrived in Texas in 1838 and soon thereafter moved to the newly founded city of Houston. 在19世纪40年代和50年代, he accumulated his wealth by providing supplies to plantation owners and selling cotton and sugar crops, 大部分由奴役劳工生产. 水稻也拥有并受益于他们的劳动. 内战结束后, he took the oath of loyalty to the restored United States and lived thereafter in New Jersey and New York, 同时密切关注他在德克萨斯州的许多正在进行的盈利活动. 没有孩子的bwin时时彩于9月23日被谋杀, 1900, 在纽约被他的管家和律师杀害,企图窃取他的财产. 经过相当多的诉讼, Rice’s bequest in 1904 was deployed toward the purpose he intended — his namesake institute in the rapidly growing city of Houston. 在选择埃德加·奥德尔·洛维特之后, 普林斯顿大学的数学家, 担任第一任总统, the institute’s trustees sent Lovett on an international trip in search of the best pedagogical practices, 理念和人员.

从10月10日到12日, 1912, the Rice Institute celebrated its opening with lectures by eminent guests from around the world. President Lovett proclaimed that he and his colleagues planned “to assign no upper limit to its educational endeavor.” With 77 male and female students and a 教师 of about a dozen in its opening year, 该研究所的规模和重要性迅速增长, 由洛维特和小詹姆斯·艾迪生·贝克领导.他于1891年至1941年担任bwin时时彩平台董事会主席. 1946年洛维特卸任总统时, 该研究所是一个拥有50多万居民的蓬勃发展的城市的关键部分.

从一开始, 莱斯研究所的目标包括研究生项目, 1918年获得第一个博士学位. 20世纪50年代, 在威廉·维尔米恩·休斯顿总统的领导下, who served from 1946 to 1960 (during which the residential college system and the annual Beer Bike competition began in 1957), 该研究所扩大了自己的野心. The graduate offerings steadily developed in the sciences and engineering and came to include the humanities and social sciences. 1960年7月1日,bwin时时彩研究所更名为威廉·马什·bwin时时彩大学. In 1962, bwin时时彩大学在校长肯尼斯·桑伯恩·皮策的带领下庆祝了50周年校庆, 在他1961年到1968年的领导期间是谁, deepened the university’s commitment to research and guided the founding of the 建筑学院 in 1965.

From its founding until the early 1960s, the university prohibited the admission of Black students. 来自国家资助和认证机构的压力越来越大, 还有民权运动带来的道德和政治压力, compelled the Rice trustees to desegregate the university and to begin a legal process to remove racial barriers from its charter. The first Black student to be enrolled in 1964 was mathematics graduate student Raymond Lewis Johnson. 1965年秋天, the first two Black undergraduate students arrived — Charles Edward Freeman III and Jacqueline Elizabeth McCauley. These first three students were subsequently joined by an increasing number of Black students who brought further distinction to the university and who continued to push for full acceptance by the rest of the Rice community. 同年, Rice began charging tuition for the first time and launched a $33 million development campaign.

During and after the Cold War, Rice took advantage of the boom in available research funding. 诺曼·哈克曼总裁, 谁在1970年到1985年任职, oversaw the debut of the Shepherd School of Music and the Jones 研究生 School of Administration (now the 琼斯商学院). 1975年,科学与工程学院分成乔治R. 布朗工程学院 and the School of Natural Sciences (now the Wiess School of Natural Sciences). 1979年,人文与社会科学学部分拆为两个学院. In 1985, bwin时时彩加入了美国大学协会, 这是一个由北美顶尖研究型大学组成的只接受邀请的团体. bwin时时彩总统乔治·埃里克·鲁普, 谁在1985年到1993年任职, 领导了几个跨学科中心的创建. Innovative 教师 forged into new fields such as nanotechnology, where Professors Robert F. Curl和Richard E. 斯莫利在1996年分享了诺贝尔化学奖. 由于这些持续的进步, Rice has consistently earned a ranking among the nation’s top 20 research universities.

在S总统的领导下. 马尔科姆·吉利斯(1993 - 2004), 这所大学戏剧性地扩大了它的国际特色, by welcoming more students from abroad and building partnerships with institutions around the world. 同时, 该大学继续深化对其家乡休斯顿的承诺, 扩大与当地工业和德克萨斯医疗中心的合作关系. 苏珊M号. 格拉斯科克继续教育学院 brings thousands of Houstonians to campus each year for learning opportunities and personal and professional development. 詹姆斯A. 贝克公共政策研究所, 成立于1993年, provides vital insight to local and national policymakers on the important questions of the day.

近二十年来,在戴维. 勒布朗(2004 - 2022), the university continued to expand its local and global footprint under a period of tremendous growth, punctuated by new programs and facilities like the Kinder Institute for Urban 研究 (2010), 博尼乌克宗教宽容研究所(2013年), 多尔新领袖研究所(2015), 穆迪艺术中心(2017), 刘氏创新创业创意实验室(2017), 布罗克曼歌剧院(2022年)和离子音乐厅(2021年).

In 2019, 这所大学推出了一项新的财政援助政策, bwin时时彩投资, that deepens and extends its ongoing commitment to need-based scholarships for low- and middle-income students. 感谢无数个人和基金会的慷慨捐助, Rice’s endowment has kept pace with its burgeoning enrollment and expanding infrastructure and programming. 1913年,捐赠基金从1000万美元增加到700万美元.作为雷金纳德·德罗什总统, bwin时时彩平台的第一位黑人校长, 7月1日就职, 2022.

As its resources have increased, Rice has served a flourishing and diverse student population. 2022年秋季, 本科在读学位学生4人,480, 与4,085名攻读学位的研究生. 入学时,亚裔美国人占2026届学生的29%. 西班牙裔或拉丁裔学生占该群体的17%, 黑人学生占8%. A growing segment of undergraduate and graduate students at Rice hail from more than 60 countries around the world. bwin时时彩平台有全职教师749人,兼职教师147人. Already in the midst of a strategic planning process and a $2 billion fundraising campaign, 大学将继续建设和发展, 瞄准更大胆的未来.

非传统的 文化

Every Rice student is a member of one of our 11 residential colleges and maintains membership throughout their undergraduate years. 学生生活的充满活力的社区, 与同伴共进晚餐并互动, 教师, 教职员及校友, the resident college system allows students to develop strong relationships and contribute to the betterment of each other’s lives and intellectual achievement. Within our colleges, legacies are born, traditions are celebrated and student spirit thrives.

取一个 虚拟之旅

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